Is Permanent Weight Loss Possible?

When it comes to weight loss, there are no easy answers. For many people, losing weight is a lifelong struggle. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to weight gain, and often it is difficult to make lasting changes to your diet and lifestyle. So, is permanent weight loss possible becomes a viable question.

However, permanent weight loss is possible.

If you are committed to making healthy changes, you can achieve your goals and make them a permanent solution to your weight problems. It may take time and patience, but it is possible to lose weight and keep it off for good.

By making small changes to your diet and exercise routine, you can create a healthy lifestyle that will help you reach your ideal weight. Again, with dedication and perseverance, permanent weight loss is within your reach.

Is Permanent Weight Loss Possible?

Successful long-term and permanent weight loss is definitely possible.

However, if it weren’t for the fact that 95% of diets fail and most will regain their lost weight in 1–5 years, the weight loss industry wouldn’t be one of the biggest industries in the country.

Here’s the good news:

This post is all about how to make your new body permanent and stop the yo-yo dieting addiction.

How Can I Stay Skinny Permanently?

Maintaining your weight and “staying skinny permanently” after dieting can be difficult, because your body naturally wants to return to its previous weight. And if you haven’t made some quality lifestyle changes along the way, based on the statistics, your body will win.

Is achieving permanent weight loss possible?

  • To stay skinny, it is important to continue your diet of healthy foods and exercise regularly.
  • It may be helpful to keep up your new habit of food journaling or using a tracking app to help monitor calories. This can aid in making sure the weight is not creeping back on.
  • The moment weight starts to creep back on, it is important to increase calorie burn through exercise or cut back on calories consumed, without delay.

Is it possible to lose weight without exercise?

By following these tips, it is possible to make weight loss possible, but I’ve got ten more ways to maintain a healthy weight for you. These 10 tips are always the best way to lose weight because they help you make permanent lifestyle changes.

Tip # 1. Set Weight Loss Goals

Who wouldn’t want to lose those extra pounds once and for all? And believe it or not, the first step is to stop dieting, and set some goals. If you’re tired of dieting, writing down some weight loss goals will give you a new outlook.

Setting weight loss goals doesn’t require a lot of time or any expertise at all. You can make goals as complicated or as simple as you like? But, why complicate things?

Here’s the simplest way to set goals, and it works:

  1. Just find something to write on and jot down the weight you want to get to, and write a target date next to it.
  2. Jot down your present weight.
  3. Write down the total amount of weight you want to lose.
  4. Decide how many weeks from now until the target date.
  5. Divide that number of weeks into the total amount of weight to lose
  6. Write that on your paper.

You should understand that weight loss may not be easy, but it’s possible to lose it permanently. You’ll need motivation, focus, and determination — and setting goals definitely makes it easier.

Some of the things you need to consider during your initial weight loss plan is writing down the foods and drinks you currently consume so that you can have an idea of which foods to replace or eliminate.

Goals will help you stay on track when your weight fluctuates as you’re slimming down.

Tip # 2. Eat Smaller Portions (Much Smaller)

Most overweight people simply consume far too much food, particularly at meal time. If that’s you, learning to drastically cut your serving sizes, and making it permanent is a must.

What is a serving size?

You should not eat more food at any one meal than you can cover with your hand.

That is the total of all the food you intend to eat at a meal.

That may not be easy for you, but eating smaller portions will produce the fastest results on the scales, and the new way of eating can last a lifetime.

The easiest way to cut your serving sizes and pounds is by eating 5 or 6 meals a day. Do this by making the portion sizes for each meal miniscule.

You will feel a lot fuller eating this way and you will avoid snacking, which you must remove from your diet.

Tip # 3. Eat Healthy Fats to Lose Weight

Have you been avoiding fats to lose weight?

You may be interested to know that adding fats to your diet is one of the best ways to lose weight fast and easily.

You need to eat fat in order to burn fat. However, not all fats are the same, so you need to know which healthy fats to add to your diet. Healthy fats can include:

  • coconut oil
  • flax seed oil
  • olive oil
  • avacodos
  • whole eggs
  • fatty fish
  • nuts
  • full fat yogurt

Any healthy balanced diet must include proteins, carbs and fats.

You should not avoid or remove foods from certain food groups. Doing this will cause you to gain more weight when you start eating those foods again.

Instead, you should focus on learning which healthy foods to eat from all food groups. This is easy enough when you are eating 5-6 ridiculously small meals each day.

Tip # 4. Skipping Meals Isn’t Easy and Backfires

If you want to lose weight and keep it off permanently, you should not starve yourself or skip any meals.

This is actually one of the best ways to lose weight fast and easy you will find anywhere. Skipping meals or starving yourself is a common mistake that most dieters make when losing weight.

The reason eating several very small meals a day is the best way to lose weight is you don’t get hungry. Even though you are not hungry, your body continues to burn fat instead of turning calories into fat.

On the other hand, when you skip meals your body naturally stops burning stored body fat. Skipping meals makes your body start preserving all the fat it can to burn later.

The main thing skipping meals does is keep you hungry and craving carbs all the time. Then when you do eat, you tend to eat far too much to make up for when you were hungry.

It is very challenging to skip meals or starve yourself. It strains you physically as well as emotionally and mentally. Stick to eating many miniscule and healthy meals each day that you love and look forward to eating.

Tip # 5 Ditch the Empty Promises of Paid Products

The shelves are full of countless products that promise fast weight loss the easy way. There are books, videos, and free advice from all your overweight friends.

Written goals, smaller meals more times a day that always include healthy foods and never include junk food from fast food establishments can not fail.

So, don’t waste your time and money on advertising gimmicks, potions, and pills, that either don’t work at all, or could well cause health issues.

Tip # 6 Eat Healthy Snacks to Avoid Sugar Cravings

A healthy bowl of strawberries, grapes, an apple or veggie salad can make a great snack.

Remember that one of the best ways to lose weight for good is by eating many times a day.

Replacing one of those meals with a healthy snack just makes good sense.

Eating a couple of bites of fruit or raw vegetables goes a long way towards curbing your appetite and the insatiable cravings that come with dieting.

Tip # 7 Out of Sight Out of Mind for Easy Weight Loss

I don’t know about you, but just seeing the foods with sugar and flour that got me fat turns on my cravings.

As soon as your brain and tastebuds get wind that you’re cutting calories, the cravings go into overdrive.

The best way to combat this is by removing all junk food from your home, office, workplace, and automobile.

And remember, it’s easier to pass them up when shopping than it is at home.

When you start having food cravings for junk foods, quickly prepare a salad or bowl of fresh fruit to curb the food cravings.

Tip # 8 Eating Too Fast is Eating Too Much

You probably eat faster than your brain can sense that you’ve had enough?

So, eating slower, a lot slower, is a great way to not only lose the extra pounds, but helps maintain a healthy weight.

When you eat slower by:

  • By chewing your food until it liquifies, you start the digestion process where it’s supposed to start; in your mouth.
  • Slowing down and chewing correctly, your body gets to actually use the nutrients in the food, which will help you stop hunger pangs.
  • Laying down your fork, spoon, or chopsticks between each bite, you have a chance to communicate with others or simply think about what you are doing (eating less to lose weight).

Practicing all the above, you can notice when you feel full, which will give you more control over how much you eat.

Tip # 9 Don’t Take it So Seriously

Keeping the weight off forever does not mean no more treats forever.

Just because you want to lose weight fast and easily or because you are on a healthy eating plan does not mean you should not treat yourself.

If you are a sugar addict and know it, try Stevia in a pure form from the grocery store. If you eat a small amount of cereal or oats with stevia on it for a meal, is it considered a sweet treat?

If you are scared of the calories, share the treat with a friend or family member so that you only eat half of it.

Tip # 10 Fast or Slow, Sugar Adds Pounds

Lastly, do not drink any beverages other than water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee.

There’s a good chance you’ve cut out or stopped eating sugar to lose weight. Now that it’s gone, you want to be super careful that sugar doesn’t creep back into your new way of eating.


As you know, losing weight can be a difficult and frustrating process, but is losing weight hopeless?

Absolutely not! That’s because there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of success.

So, instead of going on a diet on a whim, make the decision to lose weight and keep it off with these lifestyle changes:

First, it’s important to set realistic goals. If you’re looking to lose 20 pounds, for example, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to achieve this in a month.

Second, make sure that you’re focusing on lasting weight loss, not just a quick fix. Fad diets and other extreme measures may help you lose weight in the short term, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to keep it off permanently.

Third, focus on changing your eating habits rather than simply cutting calories. This means eating more whole foods, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

Fourth, don’t be afraid to exercise. While dieting is important, physical activity is also necessary for lasting weight loss.

By following these tips, you can make weight loss maintenance easy and increase your chances of achieving permanent weight loss.

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