Yes, intermittent fasting can be a successful weight loss strategy. It can help you consume fewer calories and lose weight in a healthy way. However, when you ask “Is intermittent fasting good for weight loss?” it’s not a magical solution. You’ll need to follow a healthy eating plan and get enough exercise if you want to see results.
The idea is not to go without eating, but rather to set aside days when you eat little or no food. This is to intentionally train your body to burn stored energy from fat cells more efficiently than ever before.
Time-restricted eating has nothing to do with starving yourself to lose weight. It’s just skipping meals to make your body burn fat more efficiently.
Is Intermittent Fasting Good for Weight Loss?
Fasting intermittently during a 24 hour period has become a popular weight-loss strategy in recent years. The basic idea is to restrict your food intake to a certain window of time each day, and then fast for the remainder of the day.
For example, you might eat all your meals during any 8 hour window, and then fast for the next 16 hours.
Suppporters, and there are many, say that it can help you lose weight by making you eat less overall. On top of that, it’s supposed to speed up your metabolism and encourage the burning of fat.
However, there is currently limited scientific evidence to support these claims. While some studies have found that it can help with weight loss, much of this research is observational or limited in scope.
So, while it may be effective for some people, more research is needed before we can say definitively that this is a good weight-loss strategy.
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Scheduled fasting is essentially skipping meals by dividing a 24 hour period into 2 distinct sections called windows. One is an eating window, the other is a fasting window.
This is not randomly skipping meals. Instead, it’s about deliberate, planned, and controlled eating practices.
Crash diets and fasting methods that drastically reduce food consumption for more than a day have dramatic and negative effects on the body, and mind.
Crash dieting causes your body to start cannibalizing muscle tissue while holding onto fat stores.
Is Intermittent Fasting Healthy?
Studies on both animals and people that took place over decades have shown that intermittent fasting has many health benefits.
National Institute on Aging
A fasting diet plan has been gaining popularity in recent years as a way to lose weight and improve health. But How Healthy is Intermittent Fasting?
There is some evidence to suggest that it can be quite beneficial, particularly for people who are trying to lose weight. Dieting and losing weight is possible through fasting because it reduces calorie intake.
Fasting intermittently has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control. It can also help to reduce inflammation and improve heart health.
However, it’s important to note that this eating window approach is not for everyone.
Some people may find it difficult to stick to a fasting schedule, and others may experience side effects such as headaches, fatigue, or hunger when first starting out. Before you start an intermittent fasting plan, talk to your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you to do so.
Do You Count Calories for Intermittent Fasting?
Some people choose to do this every day, while others may only do it a few days per week. So, the big question is, do you need to count calories when you’re fasting?
Even though it might be surprising, most experts agree that you don’t need to count calories when you on a fasting diet plan.
The main reason for this is that eaing less times a day can help to naturally reduce your calorie intake. When you’re fasting, you’re obviously not eating any food, so that’s already a significant reduction in calories.
And even when you’re eating, you’re likely to be less hungry and eat fewer meals than you would if you were following a traditional diet.
So, in most cases, counting calories isn’t necessary. However, there are a few exceptions. If you find that you’re not losing weight or seeing other benefits, then it might be worth considering counting calories.
Why is Intermittent Fasting Different?
Unlike other diets, it’s not so much about what you eat as when you eat it. Alternating times of fasting and eating is the central tenet. You might want to read this post: How To Start Intermittent Fasting.
There are a few things that make the eating window approach different from other diets.
Time-restricted eating actually has several benefits:
- One is that it can help to reduce insulin resistance, which is thought to be a major factor in weight gain and type 2 diabetes.
- Another benefit is that it may assist in raising HGH levels, which can help you put on muscle.
Is Intermittent Fasting Easier Than Other Weight Loss Diets?
When it comes to weight loss, there are a lot of different options out there. Low-carb diets, high-protein diets, juice cleanses… the list goes on and on. In fact, not all of them are even Common Sense Diets.
So, how do you know which one is right for you?
Well, it depends on a lot of factors, including your lifestyle and your goals. But if you’re looking for something that’s relatively easy to stick to, you might want to give this a try.
Intermittent fasting refers to any eating routine that alternates between fasting and eating. This doesn’t mean that you can’t eat anything during your fasting period-you can still drink water, coffee, tea, and other non-caloric beverages.
And there’s no need to go hungry—you can eat whatever you want during your 8-hour “feeding window.” The best part is that you don’t have to count calories or give up your favorite foods. So if you’re looking for a weight loss plan that’s simple and sustainable, this could be for you.
What Can You Eat During Intermittent Fasting?
You should start losing weight pretty soon, even if you eat exactly the same during the eating window as before. However, don’t expect the weight loss to be very dramatic. You know, there will be some results because of the forced caloric deficit.
If you want to see better results, eat more healthy foods and fewer “faux” foods. Faux foods are foods you eat that provide very little nutrients and a lot of calories.
They are processed foods (anything not fresh and packaged), white flour, white rice, and sugar.
Basically, you can eat the same as normal and see results. The problem to look out for is giving yourself license to eat more than normal during the eating window.
How do you do that?
What makes meal-timing dieting one of the best tools for weight loss is that it’s easier to adopt as a lifestyle than most diets. That means you will stay slim without re-gaining the weight for much longer periods of time, maybe forever?
There’s a lot of different ways to do this, but it boils down to 2 windows of time:
- Eating Windows
- Fasting Windows

No matter which type or form of fasting you read about, the fundamentals of intermittent fasting are always the same. You eat during the eating window, and fast during the fasting window.
Usually, the fasting window includes the night, so that you don’t eat until the next day when it’s time for the eating window to open up.
The most common way to include this way of eating is using 8-hour windows for eating. When you follow this with 16 hours of fasting off of food, and anything other than water (I drink coffee), you will soon start to see the weight go.
How to Lose Weight Faster With Intermittent Fasting
For the best results, people eat most of the calories they intend to eat at the beginning of the eating window.
And for even better results, don’t start your eating until after a workout, which includes the end of your fasting window.
The 30-60 minutes of exercise at the end of your fasting window serves to increase your metabolism to help burn the calories and glucose from your body during your eating window.
That’s important, because one of the biggest advantages of fasting like this is keeping stable blood sugar levels. Keeping your blood sugar levels consistent is an important part of weight loss.
Most of the population these days eats all day long, and that consuming meals and snacks throughout the day causes more insulin release than should happen. When this happens, your blood sugar levels spike and your body burns glucose for fuel instead of fat.
However, when you are in a fasting window with no food available, your body is forced to burn fat stores for energy.
That’s why it is so good for weight loss! You simply turn on fat burn and weight loss.
Fasting not only gets you into a caloric deficit but also forces your body to burn fat.
Can I Eat More During the Eating Window?
You might be tempted to give yourself permission to eat more than normal during your eating window.
Like any change you undertake, you must tackle periodic fasting with discipline. If you eat more than normal in your eating window, you quickly negate all your efforts.
The absolute best option is to eat less calories than you normally do or exercise more than normal for some serious and fast weight loss.
The fact is, if you’re in a fasted state, your body has little choice but to turn to fat stores.
Intermittent is important because if you just go on a prolonged hunger strike, your body can easily start cannibalizing muscle tissue even before it starts utilizing fat stores.
By fasting intermittently, you need not worry about that scenario. In effect, you are tricking your body into accelerating weight loss by burning excess fat stores.
If you undertake a nutritious diet and include exercise most days of the week, the weight loss will be phenomenal. And you won’t be by yourself, as many, many people have jumped on the intermittent fasting wagon, and continue to prove this to be the best way to lose weight.
How Do I Know if I am Really Hungry?
Am I hungry? Probably not. We are conditioned to think we’re hungry, when we are really only dealing with habits, or craving water.
You will find that one of the many benefits of fasting for weight loss is that it reconnects your mind with your body to allow you to feel hunger instead of cravings. Most of us use food as either therapy or the fulfilment of a habit, instead of fuel for energy. Of course, that’s why we’re overwhelmed with obesity.
So, you may feel like someone is torturing you when you miss a regular meal. But the truth is, there’s no harm in skipping meals if your diet is nutritious and not made up of mostly sugar, white flour foods, and processed foods.
Just the same as any diet, there are positives and negatives about this way of eating. Once you sort of know about this skipping meals dieting technique, you can decide if it’s a good fit, or not.
How to Get Started With Intermittent Fasting?
Skipping meals for a set amount of time (typically 16 hours) is part of this weight loss plan. When this method is practiced properly it’s possible to see weight loss and general health improvement.
However, it’s important to note that there are many different ways to tackle an intermittent fast, and not all of them are equally effective.
Before starting any new diet or weight loss plan, it’s always best to consult with a doctor or nutritionist to make sure it’s the right fit for you. With that said, here are a few tips to get you started:
- Choose the right method: There are many different ways to intermittent fast, so it’s important to find the method that best fits your lifestyle and weight loss goals. For example, some people prefer to fast for 16 hours every day, while others may only fast one or two days per week.
- Set realistic goals: When starting any new diet or weight loss plan, it’s important to set realistic goals. Otherwise, you’re likely to get frustrated and give up before seeing any results. If you’re new to intermittent fasting, start by setting a goal
- Start out slow: Your body and mind should be fully acclimated to the change within a couple of weeks. You will certainly be surprised at how quickly you notice that you don’t feel hungry at all during the fasting window.
Losing weight is a common goal, and there are many popular diets that claim to help people achieve it. One of these diets is called “intermittent fasting,” and it has been getting more and more popular in recent years.
One study found that people who followed a time-restricted eating diet lost more weight than those who followed a traditional calorie-restriction diet.
Overall, the evidence on whether intermittent fasting is effective for weight loss is mixed. Some studies suggest it can be helpful, while others find no benefit.
I’ll mention again that without a nutritious diet, clean eating, and eliminating most of the poor food choices that got you overweight, any dieting will have little effect on your weight.
Benefits of intermittent fasting
- Create some serious weight loss.
- Improve your general health.
- Create a healthier attitude towards eating
- It gives you the opportunity to differentiate hunger from emotional eating, and habitual eating, which is the cause of obesity.