3 Ways to Naturally Speed Up Metabolism

Are you concerned about your metabolism slowing down? Looking for ways to naturally speed up metabolism for more energy and weight loss? Your metabolism may be more important to your well being than you imagined?

Why Metabolism is So Important

Metabolism is the process of your body converting food into energy. How much energy or calories your body expends each day is determined by your metabolic rate.

The metabolic functions in your body are what keep you alive. Metabolism also provides energy or the lack of and has a profound affect on your ability to lose and maintain a healthy weight.

Metabolic rate and the number of calories you burn are sometimes used interchangeably with the term “metabolism.”

Slow metabolism can undermine weight loss efforts because it is responsible for converting food into energy and burning calories. Having a high metabolism isn’t all you need to get in shape, but it can aid weight loss and help you achieve your body goals.

There are several factors that influence your metabolism, some of which are beyond your control, such as genetics and age. You still have control over this, though, and your daily decisions can have an impact on how efficiently your body burns calories.

In later life, our metabolism slows because of a combination of muscle loss, bad diet, and an increase in fat storage in the body.

As your heart rate rises, so does your caloric expenditure, making it simpler to shed pounds and keep them off.

When you raise your metabolic rate you can also raise your energy levels along with elevating your general sense of well being and mood.

Muscle burns more calories than fat so it makes sense to build and keep as much muscle mass as possible.

What Are Common Symptoms of Slow Metabolism

Truth is that a slow metabolism may not be all bad! There are indications that a naturally slower metabolism can put off the aging process?

But, there are some signs and symptoms of a slower metabolism that you may be able to change and speed your metabolism up.

  • High blood sugar
  • Wake up too often when you sleep
  • Losing weight is almost impossible
  • Feeeling bloated
  • Weight gain
  • Constant sugar cravings

3 Ways to Naturally Speed Up Metabolism

1. Drink Water After Waking Up

When you get up from a night’s sleep, you’re already dehydrated. Our bodies go for 8 or more hours without fluids while we’re sleeping. We wake up dehydrated.

Your body uses energy to get the water you drink to body temperature. The energy used for this naturally speeds up metabolism.

Johns Hopkins .edu

17 ounces of water has been shown to increase resting metabolic rate by 10–30 percent for about an hour after consumption. Drinking cold water may have an even greater calorie-burning effect because your body expends energy to bring it to body temperature.

You can also get more energy from drinking water. There’s no doubt that drinking a glass of water about half an hour before a meal will cause you to eat less. In fact, drinking water before meals helped overweight adults lose 44% more weight than those who didn’t, according to one study.

Keeping yourself well hydrated with water is a key to losing weight and keeping it off. Drinking plenty of water keeps your metabolic rate up long after your workout or regular exercise.

Drinking water instead of sugary cold drinks helps people lose weight more quickly. You don’t even realize how many extra calories sugary cold drinks contain until you stop drinking them and replace them with cold water. Isn’t it worth it to give up the candy bar for a glass of water and wait 20 minutes to see if you’re really hungry?

You may burn more calories as you work to raise the temperature of icy water to match your internal body temperature, according to some experts, but others disagree. You’ll also burn calories by walking to the fridge or fountain to get a glass of water.

For about an hour, drinking cold water can temporarily increase your metabolism by 10% to 30%. If you want to lose weight, you need to drink at least half of a liter of water before you eat, according to a study.

Drinking a glass of water as soon as you get up is a good habit to get into.Hydration and metabolism are both boosted by drinking water.

Water helps to flush out toxins, helps you feel fuller, and saves on calories. Substituting water in place of high-calorie beverages can help manage your caloric intake.

2. Eat More Frequently

The good news is that everyone may increase their metabolic rate by consuming the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones.

Low blood sugar, which is harmful to metabolism, is indicated by a rumbling stomach. To avoid blood sugar spikes and aid metabolism, modern research suggests eating four to five modest meals every day.

Missing meals causes a dip in blood sugar, which forces the body to rely on muscular tissue rather than stored fat for energy. That’s why so many people struggle to lose weight. They burn muscle rather than fat, and their bodies seek carbs for energy rather than anything nutritious.

The carbs cause blood sugar to increase once more. All of this leads to an increase in insulin production, which causes you to retain extra fat and slow down your metabolism.

When you’re on a calorie-restricted diet, eating smaller quantities more frequently is a good idea. It’s tempting to skip meals, but you defeat your efforts. Meal skipping not only causes hunger, which may lead to overeating at your next meal, but it also decreases your metabolism. 

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition conducted a modest study in 2005 that examined whether the frequency and spacing of meals affected the post-meal metabolic rates of 10 women. After a meal, the women’s post-meal metabolic rate was higher when they ate six times per day at regular intervals rather than three to nine times per day. 

Eat four to five little meals a day, one of which should be eaten right before you go to bed. If you want to increase your metabolism and lose weight, you should consume 0.6 grams of lean protein per pound of body weight every day. Protein intake boosts both satiety and dietary thermogenesis, the number of calories required to breakdown a meal.

Your metabolism, appetite and weight-regulating hormones are all affected by your protein consumption. A high protein consumption is known to speed up metabolism and aid in the reduction of abdominal fat.

You can lower your hunger hormones and increase multiple satiety hormones by substituting carbohydrates and fat with protein.

Hormones that fluctuate in reaction to eating are some of the brain’s most essential signals to the body. In fact, a greater protein diet lowers levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin while raising levels of the satiating hormone satisfaction.

A diet strong in protein has been demonstrated to enhance metabolism and burn an additional 80 to 100 calories each day.

Overeating a high-protein meal increased daily caloric expenditure by 260 calories in one study.
High-protein diets have a “metabolic advantage” over low-protein diets because they increase calorie expenditure.

Because of this, protein aids in weight loss by reducing hunger pangs and reduced calorie intake might be an automatic result. Meat and dairy products lower ghrelin levels while increasing hormones that curb hunger. Calorie consumption is automatically reduced as a result of this

A study found that when people consume 80-100 more calories per day from protein, they burn an additional 260 calories per day, on average.

Natural Ways to Speed Up Metabolism That Keep You Healthy

Our metabolism does slow as we age, but it’s nothing we can’t change. You shouldn’t have too much trouble if you stick to the suggestions listed above.

Strength training and HIIT work well together to raise metabolism. Making it a point to stay hydrated is also a smart move.

Changing your diet and exercising are all you really need to do if you want to speed up your metabolism naturally. It may sound simple, but it will require a lot of hard work and devotion. After a while, you’ll see results and your lifestyle adjustments will become a permanent part of your new healthy lifestyle if you stay with it.

You can increase your daily metabolism by staying active as you age. Maintaining a healthy body requires a combination of cardiovascular and weight-lifting workouts along with a nutrient rich diet.

More Movement is a Key to Faster Metabolism

In actuality, there are two ways that exercise increases your metabolic rate. You naturally burn more calories when you exercise, but did you also know that maintaining and growing lean muscle mass burns a significant amount of calories even when you are not exercising. If you want to look and feel your best, you need to have a well-built and toned body.

Increasing your metabolic rate can be as simple as making a few alterations to your daily habits and following the advice provided below.

These 3 ways to naturally speed up metabolism can make it easier to have more energy and make it possible to lose weight and keep it off.

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